I just finished Week 10 of my walking challenge, which I’ve nicknamed, ‘My Coronavirus Camino.’ The rules are simple, I’m going to walk every day for a minimum of two miles until I reach 500 miles. There is no rush to finish–I’m just going to do it! This ‘magic number’ is the length of the Camino Frances in France/Spain.
- 5/21/2020–3.07 miles
- 5/22/2020–2.77 miles
- 5/23/2020–4.86 miles
- 5/24/2020–10.12 miles
- 5/25/2020–5.59 miles
- 5/26/2020–2.15 miles
- 5/27/2020–2.10 miles
Total for the Week--30.66 miles Total for 'My Coronavirus Camino'--313.85 miles

Hi Candee!
I was in one of your Fauquier classes last summer and am delighted that I just found your travel site. Yippee!!
My husband and I are planning to hike El Camino in fall of 21 or 22
And would love to read anything you have written about your experience- I do remember that you said you might plan differently
The next time- am I remembering
That correctly?
I look forward to hearing from you!
BTW- you are a terrific teacher of teachers!!!
Hi there!
I don’t think I would plan differently.The guidebook that I used is entitled, “A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago (Camino Francés): St. Jean • Roncesvalles • Santiago (Camino Guides), ” by John Brierley. I used the most current book for both times I walked the Camino.