I just finished Week 15 of my walking challenge, which I’ve nicknamed, ‘My Coronavirus Camino.’ The rules are simple, I’m going to walk every day for a minimum of two miles until I reach 500 miles. There is no rush to finish–I’m just going to do it! This ‘magic number’ is the length of the Camino Frances in France/Spain.
- 6/25/2020–2.03 miles
- 6/26/2020–2.07 miles
- 6/27/2020–2.92 miles
- 6/28/2020–4.02 miles
- 6/29/2020–2.79 miles
- 6/30/2020–4 miles
- 7/1/2020–2.09 miles
Total for the Week--19.92 miles Total for 'My Coronavirus Camino'--422.65 miles
6/27/2020–Have you ever walked through a cherry orchard? That’s what we did today. The shade from the trees partially protected us from the sun, giving us much needed relief from the hot rays beating down on our heads. As we walked up and down the rows, it was fun to watch the birds darting in and out among the trees.
We know what you’re doing, you little fruit stealers!

6/28/2020–Today we walked along the C.O. Canal in Williamsport, M.D…once again, I was so happy for the shade!